
Accent sur les petites entreprises et les RH

Drake Editorial Team

In the increasingly complex human resource environment, SMEs face challenges similar to those of large companies, including finding qualified employees, improving employee productivity, motivating employees and involve, and of course, keep them.

Il n’a jamais été aussi important pour les propriétaires d’entreprise de bien comprendre les problèmes de ressources humaines essentiels. En fait, c’est obligatoire pour la croissance et la profitabilité. Le problème principal est que les petits entrepreneurs doivent porter plusieurs casquettes. Ils sont souvent tant occupés à essayer de générer du chiffre d’affaires et à gérer les opérations quotidiennes que les RH se retrouvent tout en bas de leur liste de choses à faire. Avec peu de temps, d’argent et de ressources, ils sont souvent désavantagés dans la bataille pour embaucher et garder de bons employés.

Les employés compétents sont des atouts indispensables pour que toute entreprise, qu’elle soit petite, moyenne ou grande, puisse transformer les plans de croissance en réalité. Même avec des effectifs réduits, il faut avoir les bonnes personnes.

Too often, small entrepreneurs hire employees before they know the technical and behavioral skills needed for the job and the company culture. This information is crucial to getting high-performing employees and keeping them. Also, the fact that selection and interviews are done too quickly and inefficiently, and that background checks are not complete, or not at all, are red flags even before the selected candidate starts working in the company.

Ignoring the laws of work, not hiring the right people, and not evaluating or documenting performance issues can make HR very stressful for SME leaders.

Small businesses often have higher risks and face more uncertainty than larger ones. This "focus on small business" can help and guide small business owners to take care of their company's HR issues.

How to hire the right person right the first time
Creating a human resources strategy As an entrepreneur, you prepare a business plan in the beginning, but you may not think of human resources as part of your overall strategy. . To achieve your goals of growth and profitability, it is necessary to know the skills and know-how you need immediately and in the future.

The first thing to do is to link your human resource plans to your business plan. Assess the current situation and your goals. Do you plan to expand your business into new markets or launch new product lines? Will you need to change technology, which will require new skills? If certain economic changes occur, will it make good employees more difficult to find?

Think carefully about your business plan to determine the type of people you currently have (and their skills), as well as the gaps that need to be filled to achieve your goals.

Know the job Once you have planned your HR strategy and know which positions you need, start trying to understand these positions. What will be the duties and responsibilities? What level of authority and responsibility will be required to complete the work? What will be the main and secondary activities? How will you judge the performance?

Know what you're looking for The goal of any recruitment strategy should be to attract an excellent employee who will reach a very high level of productivity in a short time and who will work for your company for a long time.

To make sure you succeed, you need to know not only the skills, knowledge, abilities and experience of the candidates, but also their behavioral skills: the personal qualities or characteristics demonstrated by their behavior at work. It describes how work is done (flexibility, teamwork, motivation needs, decision-making style, energy, stress, and self-confidence). You must also know the corporate culture and the behaviors required to get along with it.

Targeting Your Ideal Candidate Once you know who you are looking for and have written a job description, you can write an ad and target candidates in a variety of ways. When preparing the ad, think about the AIDA method (attention, interest, desire, action). You need to attract the attention of enough qualified people, get them interested by quickly and clearly communicating the key points, motivate them to respond and provide a clear answer process.

Preselect You can easily receive a lot of answers for a vacancy. You will need to pre-qualify the candidates to determine which ones meet the "imperative" criteria. Many companies prefer to outsource this step. Small entrepreneurs, in particular, often do not have the time or staffing to deal with the pre-qualification of all the CVs they receive. In addition to pre-screening by telephone, a questionnaire determines who will be interviewed.

Rank your candidates Once your candidates are pre-qualified and selected over the phone, the next step is to rank their resumes to determine who meets or exceeds the requirements of the position according to the criteria you have chosen, in terms of skills, knowledge , education, experience and any other necessary qualifications for the position.

Pass the interview and evaluate The interview is an excellent tool in the selection process. It is even capital in the evaluation of personality and compatibility from a cultural point of view. A behavior description interview allows the employer to assess the candidate's actual work behaviors by finding out how he or she acted in particular situations. The questions are more specific and delve deeper than traditional interviews.
Before starting the interview process, make sure you are ready and inform the interviewer of the format of the interview.

Match the best candidates to the job Select your top candidates based on the technical and behavioral skills required for the job and your company. The second interview with the successful candidates allows you to discover which one (or the one) is most likely to succeed. Focus your questions on the gaps from the standards you have set, so that you can explore them in depth.

Check for "Warning Signs" Background checks help you make the best possible recruitment decisions by helping you find the best candidate for the position and your company.

When asking for a reference, think about the position and what you want to learn about the candidate. Prepare your questions in advance and organize the call. Ask the referee specific cases in which the candidate has demonstrated the essential skills for the position. During the conversation, listen to what the person says, the words he or she chooses and the way he or she uses them. Pay attention to discrimination issues: only ask questions that are directly related to the candidate's ability to succeed in the job. At the end, ask if there is anything else you should know about this candidate.

Depending on the nature of the position, you may wish to have a background check that provides information on the candidate's behavior, character and integrity.

Make the offer When you prepare the offer, let the candidate know how it will be sent (email, mail or other). Give the candidate a reasonable time to confirm and accept.

Integrate new employees In small companies, every employee counts. Hospitality and integration help integrate new employees so they contribute quickly. Start this process even before they start. Call them in advance and tell them who they will meet on their first day; welcome them warmly when they arrive; introduce them and help them settle down. Present the information so that it is easy to assimilate. New employees must be cared for in their positions and in the company.

Make sure current employees know that this new person will start, when, and what they will do, so that everyone can welcome them. It's a good process for the new employee, but also for the health of your business.
Hospitality is not the business of a single day. Be sure to talk to new employees regularly to find out how they feel and progress in their new position, and if they have questions or problems. It's also part of performance management, which is an ongoing process of working together to plan, monitor and review an employee's goals and what they bring to the company.

Summary Most small entrepreneurs experience the frustration of spending more time than they wish (or should have) to perform a task that does not generate revenue. From salary processing to HR management and benefits, contractors can spend up to 40% of their day doing administrative tasks.

The answer is probably to outsource some or all of your HR functions, so you can focus on your core tasks. If a member of your team is trying to take on multiple roles, including HR, outsourcing is probably the right decision.

For more information, contact your nearest Drake International branch, or visit Drake International website to find out how our unbundled recruitment services and talent management solutions can help your company attract and retain talent. excellent employees, to enable your business to grow and prosper.


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Drake Editorial Team

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